TeleSur | 28-Sep-2018
Pablo Fajardo, the lead lawyer for the communities who have been fighting for 25 years for compensation for the severe pollution in the amazon region, and Donald Moncayo, one of the coordinators of the organization that has led this campaign talk about the Chevron case.
Observatoire des Multinationales | 17-Sep-2018
Les arbitres de la Cour permanente d’arbitrage ont sommé l’Équateur de récuser son propre système judiciaire.
EJIL: Talk! | 14-Sep-2018
The task no longer lies with interpreting investment treaties alone and trying to reform investment arbitration in general – but designing an entirely cohesive system for international environmental justice that is open to the actual victims of environmental disasters and not just the States that often fail to genuinely represent them.
State Chancellery of the Republic of Latvia | 13-Sep-2018
Latvia has made an application for annulment of an arbitral award in the case of UAB “E energija” (Lithuania) v. Republic of Latvia.
TeleSur | 12-Sep-2018
Victims of Chevron-Texaco’s pollution of the Ecuadorean Amazon have vowed to fight to protect the ruling which has granted them compensation.
CNCD 11.11.11 | 11-Sep-2018
Le jugement du panel d’arbitrage s’abat comme un couperet sur les 30.000 personnes affectées par les dégâts de l’exploitation pétrolière de Chevron en Amazonie.
TeleSur | 10-Sep-2018
Ecuador will be forced to pay economic reparations to the oil giant. The over 30,000 affected people in the Amazon haven’t received any compensation.
RFI | 10-Sep-2018
La Cour permanente d’arbitrage de La Haye a annulé un jugement de la justice équatorienne condamnant la compagnie pétrolière américaine Chevron à payer 9,5 milliards de dollars de dédommagement pour dégâts écologiques dans la région amazonienne de l’Equateur.
CDES | 10-Sep-2018
The signatories of this letter wish to express their rejection of this decision and their support for the people of Ecuador and the organizations that have defended the communities affected by Chevron Texaco.
CDES | 10-Sep-2018
Les signataires de cette lettre souhaitent exprimer leur rejet de cette décision et leur soutien apporté à la population de l’Équateur et aux organisations qui ont défendu les communautés affectées par Chevron Texaco.