CIAR Global | 12-Mar-2019
Una filial panameña de la italiana Enel Green Power, Enel Fortuna ha presentado una demanda de arbitraje de inversiones contra Panamá ante el Ciadi.
Clifford Chance | 11-Mar-2019
UK investors could seek to move their investments to jurisdiction such as Singapore and Hong Kong where they can take advantage of investment treaty protection, if a potential new Labour govenment were to nationalise public services.
Times of India | 11-Mar-2019
Cairn Energy said it expects the long-running arbitration process against the Indian authorities over retrospective taxation to be concluded before late 2019.
Reuters | 9-Mar-2019
Venezuela must pay ConocoPhillips more than $8 billion to compensate for the 2007 expropriation of oil assets by the country’s late socialist leader Hugo Chavez, the World Bank ruled.
Le Figaro | 9-Mar-2019
Le Venezuela doit rembourser quelque 8,7 milliards de dollars au géant pétrolier américain ConocoPhillips en guise de compensation pour son expropriation en juin 2007, a jugé un panel d’arbitrage de la Banque mondiale.
Medias24 | 5-Mar-2019
L’arbitrage Carlyle vs Maroc sera présidé par un nom connu de la finance. Le tribunal arbitral est désormais constitué et l’instance réputée engagée. Carlyle réclame au Maroc une somme qu’elle réclame aussi à la Samir et à ses assureurs.
Alternatives Economiques | 4-Mar-2019
Les victimes de la pollution pétrolière ont obtenu gain de cause contre Chevron devant la justice de leur pays, mais la décision a été annulée par la Cour d’arbitrage de La Haye.
SOMO | 1-Mar-2019
Shell used the investment agreement between the Netherlands and Nigeria to obtain a lucrative oil field at remarkably good conditions.
Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity | 27-Feb-2019
In February of 2011 the Ecuadorian Courts delivered an historic verdict, sentencing the Big Oil Corporation Chevron to pay US$9,500 million dollars for its contamination of the Ecuadorian Amazon (1964-1992). However, Chevron hit back via the Investor-State Dispute Settlement system and sued Ecuador.
Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity | 27-Feb-2019
En Febrero de 2011 la Justicia ecuatoriana emitió un histórico fallo sentenciando a la Corporación petrolera Chevron a pagar 9,500 millones de dólares por contaminar la Amazonía Ecuatoriana. Sin embargo, Chevron recurrió al sistema de arbitraje de diferencias Inversor-Estado y demandó al Ecuador.