Ecofin | 15-Oct-2020
Suite au refus du Nigeria d’attribuer à nouveau le bloc OPL 245 à Eni, la firme italienne s’est tournée vers le CIRDI afin qu’il mène une procédure d’arbitrage.
Reuters | 14-Oct-2020
Eni plans to argue that the country’s failure to allow it to exploit an oilfield it acquired with Royal Dutch Shell nearly a decade ago breaches their investment agreement.
CIAR Global | 6-Oct-2020
Masdar ha renunciado a los 80 millones de euros del laudo que le favoreció en el arbitraje de inversiones mantenido con España ante CIADI por las reformas energéticas de las renovables.
Sputnik | 6-Oct-2020
La intención del Gobierno de México para contrarrestar la reforma energética promulgada en 2014 podría implicar violaciones a los compromisos que el país latinoamericano adquirió al suscribirse a los Tratados Integral y Progresista de Asociación Transpacífico (TIPAT) y, así como al acuerdo entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá (T-MEC).
IIED | 5-Oct-2020
A complex set of international legal measures protecting the fossil fuel industry risks significantly increasing the cost of moving to green energy and tackling climate change, a new report reveals.
Clean Energy Wire | 5-Oct-2020
The German government writes that around 21.7 million euros have been spent on lawyers, expert witnesses and court fees.
CIAR Global | 2-Oct-2020
España ha obtenido la suspensión de dos laudos relacionados con las arbitrajes de las renovables ante tribunales estadounidenses.
Live Mint | 30-Sep-2020
Cairn is seeking full restitution for losses resulting from the expropriation of its investments in India in 2014.
livemint | 28-Sep-2020
Vodafone Group Plc’s big win against the Indian government could set a precedent for similar arbitration cases, including the one initiated by Cairn Energy Plc.
Out-Law | 24-Sep-2020
Investors in renewable energy projects in Ukraine are considering legal action after feed-in tariffs for solar and onshore wind power plants were reduced retroactively to 2015, according to an expert.