Stock Market Wire | 30-Oct-2017
The High Court has dismissed an application by Ukraine to set aside the Uncitral arbitration award in favour of JKX Oil & Gas.
SeeNews | 30-Oct-2017
Switzerland’s top court has rejected Croatia’s request to annul an arbitral award by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) in the INA-MOL case, the government said.
Sun Daily | 11-Oct-2017
A group of major shareholders in dismantled Russian oil giant Yukos announced they were giving up their efforts to seize lucrative state assets as compensation in France following a series of legal setbacks.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 18-Sep-2017
Will the EC be successful at shutting off the flow of intra-EU ECT claims, or will the boom continue?
Turkey Telegraph | 13-Sep-2017
The Government has created a committee of public employees to conduct defence of Spain against avalanche international lawsuits brought by large investment firms.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 19-Aug-2017
Is there inconsistency among the tribunals in the solar energy cases?
Business Monkey | 3-Aug-2017
The Government of Spain has submitted to international arbitration tribunal ICSID appeal against the ruling which condemned him to pay 128 million euros plus interest to the British firm Eiser Infrastructure.
Lexology | 26-Jul-2017
One should be cautious with jumping to conclusions for the still pending Spanish ECT cases.
Les Echos | 28-Jun-2017
Paris lève une saisie opérée par les anciens actionnaires du groupe pétrolier. Et s’en remet à la Cour de justice européenne sur le fond du dossier.
IISD | 28-Jun-2017
Le Secrétariat de la Charte de l’Énergie est en « mode expansion », et souhaite obtenir l’accès aux ressources énergétiques d’Afrique et d’Asie pour ces membres actuels – principalement des pays développés.