Daily Blog | 21-feb-2019
The panel on a sustainable world at the hui in October 2018 on What an Alternative and Progressive Trade Strategy for New Zealand argued for major changes to address pressing environmental issues.
The Conversation | 19-dic-2018
Westmoreland Coal is suing Canada because it did not receive a transition payment following Alberta’s coal phaseout plan. For the province, coal mining companies have no role to play in the energy transition.
The Globe and Mail | 20-nov-2018
A US coal miner is launching a NAFTA suit against Alberta over its policy to phase out coal in the electricity system by 2030.
Sierra Club | 1ro-oct-2018
More outsourcing of pollution and jobs, handouts to corporate polluters, and climate denial
No al TTIP | 8-sep-2018
El cambio climático está destrozando millones de vidas y ecosistemas. Los Estados tienen que dejar de proteger los intereses corporativos y asegurar que los combustibles fósiles se queden bajo tierra.
The Guardian | 1ro-jun-2018
The logic to Trudeau’s action may lie in an obscure and overlooked 2014 agreement to ensure China got a pipeline built
AFTINET | 23-abr-2018
Research shows that mining and energy industries are the most frequent users of Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanisms.
L’Orient le Jour | 15-nov-2017
Une grande partie du problème tient aux traités bilatéraux et aux dispositions sur l’investissement inscrites dans les accords commerciaux plus généraux.
Project Syndicate | 9-nov-2017
Much of the problem can be traced to bilateral investment treaties and investment rules embedded within broader trade pacts.
Alternatives Economiques | 9-nov-2017
Plusieurs modifications indispensables auraient dû être apportées au CETA pour le rendre climato-compatible.