ISDS révisé
Saskia Bricmont | 25-jan-2023
This report analyzes the proposed interpretive guidance on the Investment Chapter of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union.
Saskia Bricmont | 25-jan-2023
La déclaration en voulant clarifier les choses crée de nouvelles zones de flou et, en définitive, tout dépend de la conception que les arbitres devant régler un différend précis se font du lien entre la transition et la protection des investissements.
The Daily Star | 13-jan-2023
Bangladesh as a capital importing country must tailor the four core provisions of BITs namely – fair and equitable treatment ; expropriation ; non-precluded measures ; and monetary transfer provisions to safeguard its regulatory power as host state.
European Journal of International Law | 12-jan-2023
Individuals who have not spent their careers within the field of investment arbitration (and are perceived as ‘outsiders’ by those within that field) have developed more disruptive reform proposals while arbitral insiders have typically proposed sustaining reforms.
Business Recorder | 7-déc-2022
There are two sticking points in the negotiations of the Pakistan-Hungary BIT : one is “Expropriation” and the other is “Subrogation”.
Reuters | 14-nov-2022
The report suggests that progress on IIA reform is critical to enable countries to address the challenges of climate change.
Dawn | 9-nov-2022
In Pakistan, the provincial assemblies will pass special resolutions, and the parliament will provide constitutional cover to a new binding document — Foreign Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act (FIPPA), 2022.
EESC | 9-nov-2022
A new model for international investment governance needs to be developed, in order to fill the significant gap between the investment system on the one hand and effective protection of labour rights and the environment on the other.
IISD | 7-nov-2022
In WGIII, states will need to prioritize the reforms that have the most impact in addressing their key concerns with the ISDS system.