Euractiv | 21-avr-2020
Joining the Energy Charter Treaty could cost developing countries money that is urgently needed to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis.
CEO | 15-avr-2020
Le traité d’investissement le plus perfide au monde est-il en train de prendre les pays du sud en otage ?
CEO | 15-avr-2020
Many countries, particularly in the global south, are in the process of joining the Energy Charter Treaty despite the sweeping powers it grants to foreign investors.
Forum AE | 27-mar-2020
Des traités sont en cours de négociations avec notamment le Gabon, le Ghana, le Kenya, la Mauritanie, le Mozambique, la R.D. Congo, le Rwanda et la Tunisie.
| 31-jan-2020
We civil society organizations and trade unions from the African continent express our concerns about the proposal presented by the European Union to establish a multilateral investment court and support further reaching reforms of ISDS.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 20-jan-2020
Despite debates about crisis in investment treaty arbitration, most emerging market economies are concluding BITs that provide for ISDS and emerging market multinational companies appear to welcome ISDS.
Ciar Global | 27-nov-2019
Las demandas de arbitraje contra países africanos ya representan el 11% de todos los arbitrajes de inversiones conocidos y aumentaron en los últimos años.
| 4-nov-2019
Civil society and trade union statement to oppose the recent World Bank Court ruling against Tanzania.
The East African | 28-oct-2019
The growing number of legal suits that multinational companies are bringing against Tanzania and other African countries is a major concern.