Estados Unidos
LPE Project | 15-dic-2023
The stakes for Honduras are not simply the billions of dollars otherwise destined for health, housing, and education. They are the very existence of Crawfish Rock: the past and future of the families who have inhabited the island for centuries.
The Nation | 13-dic-2023
A legal regime known as investor-state dispute settlements erode environmental regulation and increase fossil fuel industry profits.
Project Syndicate | 1ro-dic-2023
The ongoing lawsuit brought against Honduras by an American company underscores the unjust and undemocratic nature of the investor-state dispute settlement system.
teleSUR | 7-nov-2023
The Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled in favor of Bolivia, denying any compensation to the American mining company Orlandini for the revocation of concessions.
América Latina Mejor sin TLC | 7-nov-2023
Organizaciones sindicales, ambientales, de desarrollo, comunitarias y de la sociedad civil en todo el hemisferio elevarán una carta al presidente de los Estado Unidos. En ella reclaman que se elimine el mecanismo de solución de controversias inversor estado (ISDS por sus siglas en inglés) de los tratados de libre comercio y tratados bilaterales que ese país tiene con otras nacionales americanas.
La Jornada | 6-nov-2023
Biden no hizo caso a llamados desde el Congreso y de organizaciones sociales y civiles de EU para desmontar el neoliberal sistema de arbitraje supranacional, que paradójicamente permite a inversionistas extranjeros demandar a estados, cuando éstos intentan regular para que se cumplan precisamente esos criterios
Public Citizen | 3-nov-2023
The groups argue that removing ISDS — which has prioritized corporate rights over those of governments, people, and the planet — is needed to protect policies necessary for a clean energy transition.
Rethink Trade | 30-oct-2023
The Investor-State Dispute Settlement regime to date has generated $47 billion in pending corporate demands for taxpayer compensation in claims against the 12 APEP nations’ climate, health, and other public-interest policies.
St. Vincent Times | 22-sep-2023
Grenada government in talks with developers to resume major hotel project after a resolution to their dispute.
CIAR Global | 19-sep-2023
Los arbitrajes de inversiones contra Honduras siguen saltando a la actualidad del sector en el ámbito internacional.