El Financiero | 14-Apr-2017
Un tema que no ha sido analizado a profundidad son las nuevas disposiciones que serán agregadas al texto del tratado en materia de medio ambiente, laboral, sindical, propiedad intelectual, entre otros.
Rosa Luxembourg | 2-Mar-2017
Series of 11 fact booklets about global trade policies.
SSRN | 2-Mar-2017
This paper offers the first detailed English-language analysis of international investment arbitration law and practice in Thailand.
The Conversation | 20-Feb-2017
While consultancies, political donations, secondments and staff movements magnify corporate influence over government, an equally sinister trend is playing out in the world of multinational corporations.
Local Futures Blog | 16-Feb-2017
Local Futures’ Isabel Marlens discusses why many people know so little about trade issues, and what can be done about it.
Observer | 26-Jan-2017
The TransCanada lawsuit became virtually meaningless as Trump signed an executive order to continue construction of the Keystone XL
Third World Resurgence | 12-Jan-2017
In highlighting that the drafts of many of its key chapters are substantially similar to those of the TPP, Sanya Reid Smith warns that the RCEP may end up as a replica of the former.
The Wire | 9-Jan-2017
With the imminent demise of the Tran-Pacific Partnership Agreement almost certain, there are many lessons to be learnt from the fraudulent free trade deal.
Kaos en la Red | 19-Dec-2016
"Nos dirigimos a Uds. como Plataforma Chile Mejor sin TPP porque nos parece indispensable que el poder judicial de nuestro país informe a la sociedad civil sobre su posición respecto del Acuerdo Transpacífico TPP suscrito por la Presidenta Bachelet, cuyo envío al Congreso ha sido diferido a la espera de que se conozca la posición oficial de Estados Unidos y su nuevo Presidente."
La Tribune | 15-Dec-2016
Les accords commerciaux entre pays ont du plomb dans l’aile, à l’exemple de l’accord transatlantique Europe-Etats-Unis (Tafta/TTIP). Mais faut-il vraiment le regretter?