Le Soir d’Algérie | 21-May-2021
Un groupe cimentier égyptien réclame à l’Algérie le versement de 900 millions de dollars et menace de le mener à l’arbitrage international.
AKIpress | 14-May-2021
The government of Turkmenistan has won $500 million claim brought before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes by a Turkish construction company.
Le Soir | 30-Apr-2021
L’État belge pourrait être contraint d’indemniser la société de logistique DP World à hauteur de 150 millions d’euros, selon une décision de la juridiction d’arbitrage de la Banque mondiale.
IPS | 8-Apr-2021
Private insurance corporations are suing Argentina and Bolivia for loss of potential profits as a result of the reversal of privatization of pension programs.
Página 12 | 4-Apr-2021
El premio Nobel de Economía Joseph Stiglitz junto a otros 100 expertos internacionales criticaron las demandas de bancos e inversores privados contra la estatización de los sistemas previsionales en Argentina y Bolivia.
CNN | 24-Feb-2021
An aribtral tribunal ordered Libya to pay the Al Kharafi Group $930 million in damages. The Al Kharafi Group sued the Libyan state in France too, so when Gadhafi’s A340 landed in France, they sought to have it impounded.
Reuters | 24-Feb-2021
Kuwaiti logistics company Agility’s claim to recover more than $380 million it said it lost in Iraq has been rejected by an international tribunal.
Radio Free Europe | 12-Feb-2021
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty says Russia is violating a bilateral investment treaty by targeting the organization’s news operations within Russia under its controversial “foreign agent” law.
Interfax | 10-Feb-2021
US Optima Ventures intend to file a lawsuit against the United States seeking compensation of $23 million in response to two civil forfeiture actions targeting their assets in Louisville.
Le Monde du Droit | 30-Jan-2021
Un tribunal arbitral présidé par Albert Jan van den Berg a octroyé US$218.205,00 en dommages-intérêts à M. El Jaouni alors que le montant des dommages-intérêts initialement sollicités s’élevait à US$1.3 milliard.