North America

Canada and the United States have signed about 180 investment agreements.

They are both party to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Mexico. Sixty-seven disputes were launched under NAFTA.

NAFTA was recently renegotiated and replaced by the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that was signed in November 2018 and is yet to enter in force. The investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism between the US and Canada, and between Mexico and Canada has been removed – even though it is included in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to which both Mexico and Canada belong. Only limited claims are allowed between the US and Mexico, after exhaustion of local remedies. But the ISDS mechanism has been maintained between the two countries for claims pertaining to Mexico’s oil and gas sector.

The US is also party to the Dominican Republic–Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), with six Central American states. US investors have initiated all 11 known CAFTA disputes.

Canada has an investment treaty with China and is party to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with the European Union. CETA includes a revised ISDS mechanism, the investment court system, which has been critiqued for not addressing the core of the problem behind the mechanism.

US investors have extensively used the ISDS mechanism. They have initiated around 180 disputes, over 17% of all known cases, making the US the most frequent home state of investors. The US has never lost an ISDS case.

Canadian investors have initiated about 50 disputes and Canada has been the fourth most frequent target among ‘developed’ states (9th globally), with 29 cases.

Photo: Public Citizen

(April 2020)

UDAPT | 24-Mar-2023
Although the Dutch courts have yet to issue a final ruling on the appeal for annulment filed by the State Attorney’s Office, the Government of Ecuador is already complying with the arbitration award as if it were in force.
CIAR Global | 20-Mar-2023
El Gobierno de Panamá y Minera Panamá han acordado el texto final del contrato de concesión para el proyecto Cobre Panamá.
Le Devoir | 20-Mar-2023
Le promoteur de GNL Québec conteste le rejet du projet, survenu l’an dernier, réclamant au gouvernement canadien des milliards de dollars en compensation et en dommages et intérêts.
Radio-Canada | 13-Mar-2023
La demande des promoteurs de GNL Québec et de Gazoduq, qui réclament une indemnisation de 20 milliards de dollars américains au gouvernement du Canada, suscite des questions aux yeux de certains experts.
CBC | 13-Mar-2023
The liquified natural gas companies behind GNL Québec and Gazoduq are claiming $20 billion US in compensation from the government of Canada for pulling the plug on their natural gas liquefaction terminal and gas pipeline projects in Saguenay, Que.
Euractiv | 7-Mar-2023
Environmental organisations are threatening to bring about a court challenge to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada, just as the ratification of the agreement is set to be on the agenda.
Mining Watch | 2-Mar-2023
El Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Ecuador y Canadá no beneficia a los pueblos indígenas, a los territorios ni al medio ambiente. El TLC sólo será otro instrumento del poder corporativo, esgrimido por las élites nacionales para profundizar la lógica de la devastación.
Mining Watch | 2-Mar-2023
A Free Trade Agreement between Ecuador and Canada is not in the interests of Indigenous peoples, territories or the environment. The FTA will only be another instrument of corporate power, wielded by the national elites to deepen the rationale for devastation. | 13-Feb-2023
The minister noted the parties will continue negotiating within the framework of a free trade agreement between Canada and Panama and international arbitration rules.
Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung | 8-Feb-2023
Investor rights in the expired North American Free Trade Agreement continue to undermine democratic decision-making and climate policy in Mexico, Canada, and the United States.