investor-state disputes | ISDS

Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) refers to a way of handling conflicts under international investment agreements whereby companies from one party are allowed to sue the government of another party. This means they can file a complaint and seek compensation for damages. Many BITs and investment chapters of FTAs allow for this if the investor’s expectation of a profit has been negatively affected by some action that the host government took, such as changing a policy. The dispute is normally handled not in a public court but through a private abritration panel. The usual venues where these proceedings take place are the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (World Bank), the International Chamber of Commerce, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law or the International Court of Justice.

ISDS is a hot topic right now because it is being challenged very strongly by concerned citizens in the context of the EU-US TTIP negotiations, the TransPacific Partnership talks and the CETA deal between Canada and the EU.

El Diario | 10-May-2016
Debido a su gran parecido, el CETA también es conocido como ’el TTIP canadiense’, el ’Acuerdo Integral de Economía y Comercio’ entre la UE y Canadá.
Macau Business Daily | 10-May-2016
Locally established company seeks damages for holding company in impending Lao casino resort sale.
ALAI | 9-May-2016
Tras tres años de negociaciones, a duras penas los españoles empiezan a ser conscientes de esta realidad donde se están poniendo en juego sus derechos y salvaguardas sociales
Reuters | 9-May-2016
Engie a confirmé avoir déposé une demande d’arbitrage contre la Hongrie auprès du Centre international pour le règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements.
Reuters | 9-May-2016
The proceedings are based on the Energy Charter Treaty and seek relief for breaches of the principle of investor protection in the gas sector.
Pulse | 9-May-2016
The Dutch company Hanocal sought international arbitration to demand more than 240 billion won ($205 million) in compensation for what it claimed as extra taxes it had paid to the South Korean government.
Nicolás Boeglin | 6-May-2016
La reciente demanda contra Panamá registrada ante el CIADI por una empresa minera norteamericana constituye una nueva señal sobre la peligrosa deriva del arbitraje inversionista-Estado en América Latina.
IOL | 6-May-2016
AngloGold Ashanti said it filed a dispute with Ghana at an international investor arbitration panel due to the country’s failure to protect the company’s Obuasi operation from illegal miners.
OMAL | 5-May-2016
En el día de hoy, el gobierno de Ecuador se había comprometido a pagar $180 millones de dólares a la multinacional petrolera Occidental.
No al TTIP | 3-May-2016
Un documento al que ‘Público’ ha accedido en exclusiva prueba que el Ejecutivo en funciones trabaja para que el CETA pueda aplicarse a partir del 2017, aunque no ha obtenido ningún tipo de apoyo del parlamento, ni le ha pedido que se pronuncie al respecto.