Cision | 8-Jan-2018
The Dutch court held that Kazakhstan is and will remain the sole shareholder of Samruk and that Samruk’s board is controlled by Kazakhstan.
IELP Blog | 8-Jan-2018
The recent Eiser v. Spain ICSID award is yet another example of a state being condemned to pay a large monetary sum merely because an investor has been economically disadvantaged by a reasonable and necessary regulatory change.
CIAR Global | 4-Jan-2018
La mayoría de los arbitrajes contra España han sido iniciados por inversores de otros Estados de la UE, por lo que esta situación es contraria al Derecho de la Unión.
Nasdaq | 21-Dec-2017
The legal row between Stati, his son Gabriel, two family-controlled companies and the Republic of Kazakhstan has dragged on for years in various courts.
Derains & Gharavi | 29-Nov-2017
An ICSID tribunal has ordered Kazakhstan to pay nearly US$25 million for the seizure of investments at the port of Aktau on the Caspian Sea.
L’Orient le Jour | 15-Nov-2017
Une grande partie du problème tient aux traités bilatéraux et aux dispositions sur l’investissement inscrites dans les accords commerciaux plus généraux.
Project Syndicate | 9-Nov-2017
Much of the problem can be traced to bilateral investment treaties and investment rules embedded within broader trade pacts.
RAPSI | 4-Nov-2017
Court proceedings over seizure of Russian property in Belgium, initiated by former shareholders of Yukos oil corporation, have been cancelled.
Stock Market Wire | 30-Oct-2017
The High Court has dismissed an application by Ukraine to set aside the Uncitral arbitration award in favour of JKX Oil & Gas.
SeeNews | 30-Oct-2017
Switzerland’s top court has rejected Croatia’s request to annul an arbitral award by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) in the INA-MOL case, the government said.