Congo, Dem Rep of | 16-Jun-2023
In the last week, four African countries have received investment arbitration claims before the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Cameroon, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tunisia have been sued by investors from Italy, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Singapore and the United Kingdom.
Media Congo | 9-Aug-2021
New evidence from a UN report and a high-profile investor arbitration case is casting a spotlight on Rwanda’s role in sophisticated smuggling networks that extract gold and coltan from Congolese conflict zones and funnel the strategically important minerals illicitly into global supply chains.
The Globe and Mail | 6-Aug-2021
New evidence from a UN report and a high-profile investor arbitration case is casting a spotlight on Rwanda’s role in sophisticated smuggling networks that extract gold and coltan from Congolese conflict zones and funnel the strategically important minerals illicitly into global supply chains.
Reuters | 5-Dec-2018
Foreign investors say the tax hikes under the new code will deter further investment and have threatened to challenge some parts of the regulation in arbitration.
Reuters | 21-Feb-2018
International mining companies are lobbying Kabila not to sign the new code, saying the proposed changes would discourage investment and violate existing agreements. Randgold has threatened to challenge the law through international arbitration.
Bloomberg | 19-Feb-2018
Randgold is considering launching international arbitration if Congolese President gives his assent to the legislation.
Business Day | 7-Feb-2018
International mining companies, which include Randgold, Glencore and China Molybdenum, have said they will challenge the new law through international arbitration, and are lobbying Kabila not to sign it.
Jeune Afrique | 24-Aug-2015
Pursuant to the ruling of an Irish court, Airbus A320 of Congo Airways, RDC’s new national airline company, is blocked at Dublin airport. The Congolese authorities are not excluding the hypothesis of “vulture fund subterfuge”.
Jeune Afrique | 24-Aug-2015
La juridiction irlandaise a été saisie le 19 août par la société américaine Miminco LLC et par deux Américains. En cause : une créance d’État impayée de 10 millions d’euros à la suite d’une procédure arbitrale devant le CIRDI.