iPolitics | 16-Apr-2021
NAFTA-investor lawsuits have cost Canadian taxpayers more than $376 million over the last 25 years, and could cost even more in the years ahead.
CCPA | 15-Apr-2021
The removal of investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS) from the renegotiated NAFTA was a critical victory but Canada, the US and Mexico continue to be enmeshed in an extensive web of bilateral and regional accords containing ISDS.
Mining Weekly | 1-Apr-2021
Rusoro Mining reports that the French Supreme Court has overturned the decision of the Paris Court of Appeal, which had annulled part of the damages portion of the arbitral award previously rendered in favour of the company.
SOMO | 17-Mar-2021
How investment treaties and investor-to-state dispute settlement grant foreign investors greater rights than Dutch and EU law.
Jacobin | 5-Mar-2021
Free-trade agreements enable companies to sue governments if they interfere with profit-making activities, no matter how destructive. These trade deals put us in an antidemocratic straitjacket — it’s time we got rid of them.
MRT | 3-Mar-2021
Canadian mining company First Majestic Silver Corp submitted a request for arbitration based on NAFTA, due to the tax debt and its differences with the Mexican government.
West Law | 8-Feb-2021
Alberta’s Premier said that the Canadian province, which has an equity in the now-canceled Keystone XL pipeline, may seek compensation under investor-protection provisions still in effect under NAFTA
45 Secondes | 5-Feb-2021
L’Alberta, le cœur pétrolier du Canada, pourrait demander une compensation aux États-Unis après que le président nouvellement investi, Joe Biden, ait déménagé pour réparer le pipeline Keystone XL.
European Commission | 1-Feb-2021
The EU and Canada adopted four decisions putting in place the Investment Court System provisions agreed in the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).