ISDS reform
The Mint | 1-Apr-2021
The overreach on display in the aggressive use of ISDS lawsuits by multinational corporations is just one part of a broader trend in recent decades in which the ability of states to regulate their economies in their own interests.
Brookings | 18-Mar-2021
A plurilateral “interpretative statements,” whereby governments endorse joint statements clarifying and defining their positions on contentious clauses in their existing investment treaties would be a practical, flexible and low-cost option.
EJIL: Talk! | 17-Feb-2021
The Working Group’s focus was structural reforms, first selection and appointment of permanent or fixed-term adjudicators, then an appellate mechanism.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 12-Feb-2021
An appeal mechanism is not the panacea to all primary concerns associated with ISDS. There is a need for holistic reform.
Business Recorder | 8-Feb-2021
Sources said that the government will have its own template for a BIT, which will replace the existing treaties with different countries.
European Commission | 1-Feb-2021
The EU and Canada adopted four decisions putting in place the Investment Court System provisions agreed in the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
Lexology | 4-Nov-2020
The working papers focus on an appellate mechanism and enforcement issues and the selection and appointment of ISDS tribunal members.
The Express Tribune | 3-Nov-2020
Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved the formation of a working group of experts for reforming Pakistan’s international investment regime.
Michigan Journal of International Law | 27-Oct-2020
The problem with the ISDS is not the format of the dispute settlement. The problem is that it is designed to give corporations power to go after government policies.