Global Research | 5-Feb-2018
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has boasted of his commitment to progressive economic, environmental and social policies. At the same time, has been a passionate warrior in his pursuit and defence of so-called ‘free trade’ agreements.
Radio NZ | 30-Nov-2017
Government plans to put a royalty on exports of bottled water could be in jeopardy after a top trade negotiator warned MPs it would breach trade deals.
Scoop | 13-Nov-2017
"[New Zealand’s] new government has begun to spin its achievements, while omitting some inconvenient details", says law professor Jane Kelsey.
IELP Blog | 13-Nov-2017
New Zealand’s new Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, is on the record as stating that investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) must not be a part of any future trade agreements signed by New Zealand.
Crikey | 8-Nov-2017
In a co-ordinated push with The Australian, the government has embarked on an attempt to revive the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement and burnish its free-trade credentials.
Newsroom | 3-Nov-2017
The Government is enlisting its ambassadors in a last-minute bid to win changes to the TPP’s controversial investment clauses, Trade and Export Growth Minister David Parker says.
Scoop | 31-Oct-2017
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced plans to effectively ban foreign buyers of existing residential property but says the prohibition doesn’t put New Zealand at odds with the slimmed down version of the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal.
AFTINET | 30-Oct-2017
US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said that the US wants to opt out of ISDS in NAFTA, because of the risk and costs of US governments being sued by foreign corporations, and despite corporate lobby groups pushing to retain ISDS.
TNI | 11-Jul-2017
En lugar de abrir la discusión sobre qué inversiones y para qué, la agenda de facilitación restringiría as capacidades de los gobiernos de regular la inversión extranjera.
GRAIN | 9-Jun-2017
Hoy los TLCs vuelven con fuerza a abalanzarse sobre nuestros bienes comunes con mecanismos cada vez más sofisticados e ilegítimos. Por eso dedicamos este Vistazo a presentar las viejas y nuevas amenazas que representan compartiendo los contenidos del Boletín Nyéleni N.º 29 dedicado íntegramente a esta temática.