Acuerdo transatlantico de comercio y de inversióm (TLC UE-EEUU)

ENDS Europe | 10-jul-2014
Asked about the trade deal the Commission is currently negotiating with the US, which campaigners fear will allow private companies to challenge the EU’s environmental rules, Mr Juncker stressed that the normal, publicly accountable, court system should be used instead of private courts or arbitration panels.
Basta ! | 10-jul-2014
Les Etats membres de l’Union européenne pourront-ils continuer à développer leurs politiques de santé publique, notamment en matière de lutte anti-tabac ? Le Traité transatlantique, actuellement négocié avec les Etats Unis, inquiète.
CEO | 3-jul-2014
The EU Commission’s plan to enshrine sweeping rights for foreign investors in the EU-US trade deal continues to draw heavy criticism. In response, industry lobby groups, law firms, and arbitrators have launched a tooth and nail defence of the business power grab. See through their propaganda with Corporate Europe Observatory’s guide to investment arbitration.
ETUC | 1ro-jul-2014
Bernadette Ségol the General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation says trade unionists are “particularly concerned at statements from DG Trade implying that the consultation is about a reform of the ISDS system and is not open to a decisive rejection.”
JOL Press | 30-jun-2014
Un mécanisme de « règlement des différends entre investisseur et Etat » est devenu un instrument aux mains des multinationales pour contester les politiques publiques jugées contraires à leurs intérêts et apparaît dans le traité de libre-échange entre Washington et Bruxelles. Vers quoi s’achemine-t-on ?
BBC | 12-jun-2014
Should foreign businesses have the right to take a sovereign state to arbitration to seek compensation for a change in the law or government policy? And if so, in exactly what circumstances?
FFII | 28-may-2014
ISDS gives the US an unfair advantage — we can not expect EU companies to win ISDS cases against the US.
No al TTIP | 26-may-2014
La decisión de la Comisión Europea de llevar a Consulta la inclusión del mecanismo de Solución de Controversias Inversionista-Estado en el capítulo de Inversión del Tratado Transatlántico de Comercio e Inversiones (TTIP), es claramente el resultado de la creciente preocupación y presión de las organizaciones sociales europeas y de la ciudadanía en general.
DW | 23-may-2014
The TTIP trade agreement between the US and the EU is continuing to cause a major row in Europe. Economist Christoph Scherrer tells DW that the corporations’ right to file lawsuits will be particularly problematic.
ETUC | 7-may-2014
The EU-Canada trade agreement – which may be concluded on May 8 at the Foreign Affairs Council – should not be used as a ‘Trojan horse’ to smuggle in a controversial Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) warned the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).