Estados Unidos
Le Point | 13-jul-2018
Le fonds d’investissement américain Elliott Associates a saisi une instance internationale au sujet de la fusion controversée de deux filiales du géant Samsung pour réclamer à la Corée du Sud près de 800 millions de dollars de dommages et intérêts.
Acción Ecológica | 12-jul-2018
El arbitraje es una suerte de globalización y privatización del sistema judicial, en el que la empresa transnacional dicta las normas. Es parte también de la estrategia de debilitar la soberanía jurídica de los estados del Sur.
Business Insider | 3-jul-2018
New York-based hedge fund Mason Capital Management has filed a legal claim seeking at least $175 million from the South Korean government as compensation for damages it says it sustained from a 2015 merger of two Samsung Group affiliates.
Pulse | 7-jun-2018
The South Korean government and Elliott Management next week will enter negotiation for an out-of-court settlement over the U.S. activist fund’s $670 million damage claim for the former administration’s interference in the 2015 merger between Samsung units.
BN Americas | 24-may-2018
Exmingua is planning to launch arbitration proceedings against Guatemala following the suspension of its Tambor gold project.
Reuters | 16-may-2018
US oil company ConocoPhillips has brought new court actions to seize two cargoes of crude and fuel near a terminal operated by PDVSA subsidiary Citgo Petroleum in Aruba.
Reuters | 14-may-2018
The legal action was the latest in the Caribbean to enforce a $2 billion arbitration award by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) over the nationalization.
IATP | 11-may-2018
The Maine Citizen Trade Policy Commission, a legislator-run, bipartisan governmental body, recently sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative calling for ISDS to be removed in its entirety from NAFTA.
Korea Times | 11-may-2018
Elliott Associates is demanding more than $670 million in compensation from the government for losses and damages it claims to have suffered regarding the merger of Samsung C&T and Cheil Industries in 2015.
América Económica | 7-may-2018
ConocoPhillips avanzó en sus esfuerzos por tomar los activos en El Caribe de la petrolera estatal venezolana PDVSA para hacer cumplir un laudo arbitral de una década que le otorgó US$2.000 millones por la nacionalización de sus tenencias en el país sudamericano, según dos fuentes con conocimiento de sus acciones.