Macleans | 6-May-2015
Mission accomplished? Not quite. American negotiations with Europe may trigger more changes to CETA
Social Sciences Research Network | 6-May-2015
The European Commission’s most recent proposal for ISDS reflects a move away from fake reforms to something potentially more meaningful, but it is insufficient and unreliable, says legal expert Gus Van Harten.
Reuters | 5-May-2015
The EU’s trade chief proposed on Tuesday creating a new European court to settle disputes in international trade agreements, a step aimed at overcoming growing public resistance to a free-trade accord with the United States.
EurActiv | 24-Apr-2015
Shrouded with secrecy and posing a threat to public services, Owen Tudor tells EurActiv why the UK Trade Union Congress doesn’t believe the hype over TTIP, and why exploitation, rather than immigration, should be the cause of people’s concerns.
EurActiv | 21-Apr-2015
La moitié des commissions du Parlement européen ont repoussé le dispositif de règlement des différends du traité, laissant augurer d’une majorité incertaine.
EurActiv | 21-Apr-2015
Half of the European Parliament’s committees have rejected the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership’s investor-state dispute settlement mechanism, casting doubt over the trade deal’s prospects of to passing through Parliament.
TNI | 14-Apr-2015
In response to growing public criticism of international investment law, a new lobby group has emerged, EFILA, seeking to influence European officials.
EurActiv | 6-Mar-2015
Studies that promote investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) have generated misleading numbers and dubious recommendations. Legislators should approach all studies with caution, warns Gus Van Harten.
ViEUws | 26-Feb-2015
David Martin MEP (S&D, UK), the European Parliament’s rapporteur on the EU-Singapore trade deal, criticises the infamous ISDS (investor-to-state dispute settlement) part of the agreement.
Le Monde | 25-Feb-2015
A défaut de l’écarter complètement des négociations du Tafta/TTIP (et de son petit cousin, l’accord CETA entre l’Europe et le Canada), comme le réclame une bonne partie de la société civile, la gauche européenne souhaite réformer en profondeur ce mécanisme d’arbitrage pour limiter ses dérives.