The Korea Times | 22-Jun-2023
10 ISDS (investor-state dispute settlement) cases were filed against the Korean government and five of them are currently pending.
IISD | 6-Jul-2022
Un tribunal a accordé à Bank Melli Iran et Bank Saderat Iran la somme de 243 millions EUR dans leur recours investisseur-État contre le Royaume du Bahreïn.
IISD | 6-Jul-2022
A tribunal awarded a sum of EUR 243 million plus interest to Bank Melli Iran and Bank Saderat Iran in their investor–state dispute against the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Yonhap | 13-Jan-2022
En junio de 2018, el CIADI ordenó al Gobierno de Seúl que pagara a la familia Dayyani unos 63 millones de dólares, pero el pago no se ha realizado debido a las sanciones de EE. UU. sobre Irán.
Yonhap | 13-Jan-2022
En juin 2018, le CIRDI a ordonné au gouvernement de Séoul de payer à la famille Dayyani environ 63 millions de dollars, mais le paiement n’a pas été effectué en raison des sanctions américaines imposées contre l’Iran.
Yonhap | 12-Jan-2022
In June 2018, the ICSID ordered Korea to pay the Dayyani family about US$63 million, but the payment has not been made due to US sanctions on Iran.
Financial Tribune | 1-Dec-2021
Bahrain has been ordered by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague to pay over €200 million in damages plus costs to two Iranian banks for the unlawful moves against their operations.
L’Orient Le Jour | 1-Dec-2021
Téhéran s’est félicité dimanche de la récente condamnation de Bahreïn à verser plus de 200 millions d’euros de compensation à deux banques iraniennes expropriées par ce pays arabe du Golfe.
Business Korea | 20-Feb-2019
Iran’s Dayyani group started a procedure to seize the South Korean government’s assets in the Netherlands after winning its investor-state dispute against it. This is the first time that such a procedure has been initiated against the South Korean government.
The Investor | 4-Jul-2018
South Korea is seeking to cancel a recent investor-state dispute settlement decision by an international tribunal in which the government was asked to compensate US$65 million to an Iranian company.

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