acciones | resistencia
CNCD-11.11.11 | 10-sep-2017
« La saisine permettra de clarifier la légalité de la clause d’arbitrage qui concerne non seulement le CETA, mais également le JEFTA avec le Japon et le VEFTA avec le Vietnam » explique Michel Cermak, chargé de recherche au CNCD-11.11.11
The Guardian | 1ro-sep-2017
Romania’s prime minister has suggested his government will withdraw an application to have the Roman gold-mining area of Roșia Montană declared a Unesco world heritage site, potentially reviving controversial plans to resume mining.
No al TTIP | 1ro-ago-2017
Jornadas sobre nuevos tratados de comercio e inversiones + Encuentro de activistas y campañas. El 3, 4 y 5 de Noviembre en Barcelona.
People’s Forum against FTAs and RCEP | 28-jul-2017
“Tell us at least now who gains from RCEP,” People’s Forum challenges the Indian government as the 19th round of RCEP negotiations comes to an end
Intercontinental Cry | 27-jul-2017
This past month, eighteen Aymara community leaders endured the final stages of a trial that had them facing up to 28 years in prison and massive fines for their alleged roles in the 2011 ‘Aymarazo’ protests against the Santa Ana silver mine on the Peru-Bolivia border.
APWLD | 13-jul-2017
The ’No RCEP’ campaign urges governments to consider the adverse impact of the mega free trade agreement
Alburnus Maior | 3-jul-2017
With Gabriel Resources seeking US$4.4 billion in damages, Alburnus Maior, a prospective amicus curiae in the arbitration case, announces that it aims to file its brief to the ICSID Tribunal until September 2018 at the latest.
Radio Mundo Real | 28-jun-2017
Criminal charges pending against 18 community leaders and a billion-dollar court case at ICSID.
Focus on the Global South | 1ro-jun-2017
In the recent “RCEP 18th Round of Talks,” members of civil society organizations and social movements presented their positions vis-à-vis the RCEP.
Forum on FTAs | 8-may-2017
RCEP magnifies existing inequalities and discriminates against women, indigenous peoples, people living with HIV or other illnesses, people with disabilities,rural communities, farmers and workers