TNI | 24-May-2016
The Philippines has a web of investment treaties which severely constrain the government’s ability to regulate or close polluting mines, a legal straitjacket that will become even tighter if the EU–Philippines Free Trade Agreement and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) proceed
Politico | 23-May-2016
Philippine trade negotiators meet their DG Trade counterparts for a first round of trade talks, five months after they were announced, but nobody expects a cakewalk.
CIGI | 23-May-2016
Canada and the European Union released a revised Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) in February 2016. The revisions focus on the controversial and deeply flawed process of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS).
No al TTIP | 21-May-2016
Aunque el CETA crearía un mercado mucho más pequeño que el que se pretende crear a través del TTIP, se trata de un comercio agresivo y supone el incremento de privilegios y poderes para las grandes empresas e industrias.
S2B | 19-May-2016
A new leak reveals that 5 EU member states are proposing to introduce investor-to-state dispute settlement for all cross-border investments within the EU.
Le Monde | 19-May-2016
Un groupe de cinq pays européens, dont la France, propose l’instauration d’une juridiction d’exception européenne au service des entreprises souhaitant attaquer les décisions des Etats.
El Diario | 10-May-2016
Debido a su gran parecido, el CETA también es conocido como ’el TTIP canadiense’, el ’Acuerdo Integral de Economía y Comercio’ entre la UE y Canadá.
No al TTIP | 3-May-2016
Un documento al que ‘Público’ ha accedido en exclusiva prueba que el Ejecutivo en funciones trabaja para que el CETA pueda aplicarse a partir del 2017, aunque no ha obtenido ningún tipo de apoyo del parlamento, ni le ha pedido que se pronuncie al respecto.
FFII | 2-May-2016
In case the EU would strongly act to protect our personal data, Canadian financial institutions would be able to exploit the textual shortcomings using CETA’s investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism.
Politico | 29-Apr-2016
The Walloon Parliament voted against ratification of the Canada-Europe Trade Agreement (CETA). The parliament is worried about social and environmental norms and the investor-state arbitration system.