Los Andes | 15-Dec-2017
Tras el fallo del Ciadi del Banco Mundial, la Nación emitirá 2 bonos para resarcir a Electricité de France Internacional.
Express Tribune | 15-Dec-2017
Last year, Pakistan won a case against the UK-based shareholder of Progas Pakistan in the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
Romandie | 7-Dec-2017
L’Equateur va verser une indemnisation de 337 millions de dollars à la compagnie pétrolière américaine Burlington, filiale de ConocoPhillips, afin de régler un litige vieux de dix ans.
The Financial | 4-Dec-2017
Under the terms of the agreement, ConocoPhillips will recover a total of $337 million from Ecuador.
Derains & Gharavi | 29-Nov-2017
An ICSID tribunal has ordered Kazakhstan to pay nearly US$25 million for the seizure of investments at the port of Aktau on the Caspian Sea.
América | 21-Nov-2017
Las 750 empresas que conforman la Amexhi, el API, y la CAPP exigieron a sus respectivos gobiernos que, si no es posible modernizar el TLCAN, se mantenga con todos sus beneficios energéticos, a fin de concretar la autosuficiencia energética de América del Norte en el 2020.
Xinhua | 20-Nov-2017
Empresas de hidrocarburos de México, Estados Unidos y Canadá rechazaron la propuesta de cláusula de extinción en el Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN).
Korea Herald | 20-Nov-2017
Samsung Engineering has filed an investor-state dispute settlement suit against Saudi Arabia over changes made to its power plant construction contracts for Yanbu Industrial City.
The Express Tribune | 13-Nov-2017
Pakistan has successfully gotten a stay order from the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) over the execution of an $800 million award to Karkey Karadeniz Elektrik Uretim (Karkey).
Reuters | 4-Nov-2017
Energy firms worry the end of NAFTA could eliminate the so-called Investor State Dispute Settlement.