West Law | 8-Feb-2021
Alberta’s Premier said that the Canadian province, which has an equity in the now-canceled Keystone XL pipeline, may seek compensation under investor-protection provisions still in effect under NAFTA
Le Soir | 5-Feb-2021
Le géant allemand de l’énergie RWE réclame à l’Etat néerlandais une compensation à son projet d’interdire la production d’électricité à l’aide de centrales au charbon. L’entreprise estime qu’elle pourrait subir 1,4 milliard d’euros de dommages.
45 Secondes | 5-Feb-2021
L’Alberta, le cœur pétrolier du Canada, pourrait demander une compensation aux États-Unis après que le président nouvellement investi, Joe Biden, ait déménagé pour réparer le pipeline Keystone XL.
Euractiv | 4-Feb-2021
The European Union and its member states should draw the consequences of the current stalemate in multilateral talks aimed at reforming the Energy Charter Treaty and consider a coordinated withdrawal, Paris has said
CAN Europe | 4-Feb-2021
RWE has filed an arbitration claim against the Netherlands, seeking compensation for the Dutch decision to phase-out electricity production from coal by 2030.
The Conversation | 26-Jan-2021
The owner of Keystone XL — TC Energy (previously TransCanada) — used NAFTA to launch a US$15 billion lawsuit in 2016 after President Barack Obama cancelled the project.
Reuters | 19-Jan-2021
Alberta believes there was a “very solid” legal basis to seek damages under international free trade agreements if the pipeline is effectively killed, said Alberta Premier
TNI | 21-Dec-2020
En medio de la creciente preocupación de que el TCE obstaculiza la acción urgente por el clima, las empresas que lucran con el acuerdo, la Secretaría del TCE y otros actores están difundiendo propaganda y promoviendo falsedades, como que el tratado atrae inversiones limpias y que “modernizarlo” resolvería sus defectos. Nuestra guía para derribar estos y otros mitos te permitirá ver más allá de la retórica y entender el mundo de la energía sucia, la estafa y los abusos corporativos que promueve el TCE.
Euractiv | 16-Dec-2020
A two-day conference of the 54 parties to the Energy Charter Treaty will attempt to move forward in reforming the little-known charter, decried by environmentalists for protecting fossil fuel investments and blocking international efforts to curb global warming.