AFP | 10-Jun-2015
Le Parlement européen a fini par reporter mercredi son vote sur l’accord de libre-échange en tractation avec les États-Unis, après s’être divisé sur la feuille de route à adresser aux négociateurs concernant les très controversés tribunaux d’arbitrage.
The Guardian | 10-Jun-2015
Fifty years ago, an international legal system was created to protect the rights of foreign investors. Today, as companies win billions in damages, insiders say it has got dangerously out of control | 9-Jun-2015
What do we call it when Ottawa signs a deal with an unelected regime that would prevent any future elected government in a small African nation from changing its laws regulating Canadian-owned mines for almost two decades?
Economic Times | 9-Jun-2015
India is caught in a pincer at this moment in time as it is faced with the twin need of FDIs to propel and sustain growth and also the need to fi rewall its sovereign rights to formulate policies without extraneous pressures from its trade partners and the corporate world.
EurActiv | 9-Jun-2015
BusinessEurope, and especially its Director General, should be factual and truthful when lobbying the European Parliament on ISDS and TTIP, argue Bart Staes and Molly Scott Cato.
Ecologistas en Acción | 8-Jun-2015
El 10 de junio el Parlamento Europeo votará una resolución sobre las negociaciones del TTIP. Miembros de la Campaña #NOalTTIP se reúnen hoy con eurodiputados socialistas para pedirles que no desprotejan a la ciudadanía europea.
EurActiv | 5-Jun-2015
Union leaders on both sides of the Atlantic have called for TTIP negotiators to drop extra-legal arbitration systems from any future trade deal. They believe existing judicial systems offer adequate protection to investors. EurActiv France reports.
EurActiv | 5-Jun-2015
Les leaders des organisations syndicales allemandes et américaines appellent à refuser tout système d’arbitrage au sein du futur traité transatlantique. Ils estiment que la justice offre une protection suffisante aux investisseurs.
| 5-Jun-2015
There has never been any doubt that the United States, and especially the US Congress, wields ultimate power over the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
No al TTIP | 4-Jun-2015
Por qué las presuntas ‘reformas’ de la Comisión Europea al sistema de privilegios para el inversor y de tribunales de arbitraje privados -ISDS- no abordan los problemas fundamentales.