CIAR Global | 14-Feb-2024
El 31 de enero de 2024, el Gobierno de Chile recibió el aviso de presentación de demanda de arbitraje de capitales uruguayo y estadounidense Delibest, reclamando 70 millones de US$, ante el CIADI por impagos de los servicios de alimentación durante las revueltas estudiantiles ocurridas en Santiago en octubre de 2019, una movilización social originada por el alza de los precios del transporte.
Stockhead | 12-Feb-2024
Indiana Resources is closer to recovering its historical sunk investment for the unlawful expropriation of the Ntaka Hill nickel sulphide project after the ICSID struck out most of Tanzania’s grounds for requesting the annulment of the award.
Inter Press Service | 9-Feb-2024
Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions in international trade and investment agreements – long abused by opportunists with means – are slowly being rejected by cautious governments.
Nuevo Poder | 5-Feb-2024
El 31 de enero, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores recibió formalmente la notificación de una demanda arbitral de una empresa extranjera en contra del Estado de Chile, por eventuales daños equivalentes a US$70 millones.
AFTINET | 1-Feb-2024
To maintain the system, he proposes that business should shift away from ISDS in state-to state trade and investment agreements, and instead move to ISDS in contracts between individual investors and states.
Zimeye | 27-Jan-2024
A London court has ordered Zimbabwe to pay US$125 million to two timber firms whose land was seized by the government, rejecting its claim of state immunity in a case that tests the enforcement of international arbitration awards.
bilaterals.org | 26-Jan-2024
What type of ISDS arbitration has been the most used by corporations? Why is it important to understand the different forms of ISDS?
Andina | 17-Jan-2024
Desestimó demanda de 45.6 millones de dólares de las empresas Latam Hydro LLC y CH Mamacocha.
Hondudiario | 17-Jan-2024
“El TLC con China está tomando mucha energía por el peso que significa y la cantidad de rubros que abarca”, dijo el funcionario.
CDR | 10-Jan-2024
A wrangle over a shareholding in a Tunisian bank which dates back to the 1980s has finally been resolved in arbitration.