WEED | 12-déc-2014
The film explains how the settlement works and why it endangers necessary governmental rescue measures in financial crises as occurred in Greece, Cypress and Argentina.
Public Citizen | 12-déc-2014
The European Commission’s claim that threats posed by the investor-state dispute settlement system can be fixed by “improving” ISDS provisions in trade pacts has already been proved false, says Public Citizen
Le Parisien | 9-déc-2014
La Commissaire européenne au Commerce a indiqué lundi à Washington que les résultats de la consultation publique européenne sur les tribunaux d’arbitrage dans le projet d’accord de libre-échange entre les Etats-Unis et l’Europe seraient connus peu après Noël.
EurActiv | 9-déc-2014
Trade officials negotiating the ISDS arbitration clause within the EU-US trade agreement have half an eye on their next deals, since the wording is likely to shape other key trade treaties on the table.
FFII | 7-déc-2014
Lock-in, no institutional safeguards for independence, perverse incentives, no separation of powers, automatic consent, ripe for exploitation, sovereign debt instruments included, open to the world, and a strategic mistake. Former trade commissioner De Gucht left us a Gordian Knot, writes Ante Wessels.
FOEE | 4-déc-2014
New research today reveals that European governments have already paid at least €3.5 billion to private investors due to a clause in international trade deals.
InfOGM | 3-déc-2014
En France, l’Assemblée nationale a adopté une résolution concernant l’accord de libre échange entre l’Union européenne et le Canada (CETA). Objectif : mieux préciser certaines clauses, en enlever d’autres et faire en sorte que les Parlements puissent le ratifier.
Globe and Mail | 2-déc-2014
The fate of Canada’s landmark trade agreement with the European Union, known as CETA, may hinge on an obscure case due to come before the European Court of Justice that relates to a similar deal the EU recently struck with Singapore.
EurActiv | 1er-déc-2014
Le mécanisme de règlement des différends investisseurs État prévue dans le traité transatlantique permettrait d’harmoniser le niveau de protection des entreprises dans tous les États membres de l’Union, selon la Commission
EurActiv | 28-nov-2014
German Minister of Economic Affairs Sigmar Gabriel is clashing with his own party over the EU’s planned free trade agreement with Canada (CETA), calling on Bundestag members to approve the deal despite the controversial investor protection provision.