Red del Tercer Mundo | 16-Oct-2015
Finalmente concluyeron las negociaciones sobre el Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP). Si bien el texto oficial aún no se ha hecho público, a partir de informes de prensa y textos filtrados pueden hacerse algunos comentarios preliminares. En primer lugar, el comercio es solo una parte del TPP.
Financial Post | 16-Oct-2015
Pickens is using his rights under the North American Free Trade Agreement to bring claims against the Canadian province of Ontario.
Triple Crisis | 15-Oct-2015
TPP, investment agreements, and the governance of land
BBC | 14-Oct-2015
¿Que hizo que más de 100.000 berlineses salieran a las calles a protestar este fin de semana en la capital alemana?
Público | 13-Oct-2015
Un nuevo estudio del CEO advierte del peligro que supone el tratado comercial UE-EEUU para la "capacidad reguladora de los gobiernos" y para los derechos de los ciudadanos de acceder a servicios públicos.
The Dissident | 13-Oct-2015
Le type d’exploitation qui vise à soumettre les Etats et les peuples aux multinationales, impliquant le renoncement des gouvernements à toutes les politiques publiques, nous le reconnaissons dans le TAFTA.
All Africa | 13-Oct-2015
The East African Community partner states have agreed on the outstanding trade issues under the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA).
CEO | 12-Oct-2015
EU trade deals with Canada and the US could endanger citizens’ rights to basic services like water and health, as negotiators are doing the work of some of the EU’s most powerful corporate lobby groups in pushing an aggressive market opening agenda in the public sector.
AITEC | 12-Oct-2015
Les services publics de l’Union européenne se trouvent sous la menace des accords de commerce transatlantiques, et ce au profit des multinationales.
The Conversation | 9-Oct-2015
Up until now, Australia has never agreed to provide American investors with access to Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), whereas Canada has. In total Canada has faced 35 challenges. Australia has been subjected to only one case.