Embassy | 17-Feb-2016
Canada’s government has officially re-opened negotiations with India over a bilateral investment treaty the two sides nearly agreed upon almost a decade ago.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry | 16-Feb-2016
The Agreement stipulates rules for investment protection and the development of an investment environment.
The Jakarta Post | 16-Feb-2016
Indonesia could fall into bankruptcy if the biggest market in Southeast Asia join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which would allow investors to sue the government.
Tele Sur | 16-Feb-2016
The secretive TTIP could make it easier than ever for big business to sue governments, according to new research.
S2B | 15-Feb-2016
Rebranded as ICS, rights for corporations to sue states refuse to die.
IISD | 15-Feb-2016
Bolivia’s experience has shown that attracting foreign investment does not by itself generate the expected development for host states and that, rather, it consists in a mechanism for financing and transferring resources from the South to the North.
IISD | 15-Feb-2016
The UNGPs set out a three-pillar framework: the state duty to protect human rights, the corporate responsibility to respect human rights, and access to remedy for victims of business-related abuses.
The Clinic | 12-Feb-2016
El domingo pasado el canciller, Heraldo Muñoz, tras firmar el Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico, que debe ser ratificado por el Parlamento, argumentó que las críticas se debían a desinformación. La organización civil, Chile mejor sin TPP, responde al secretario de Estado y refuta sus afirmaciones sobre los beneficios que traerá para el país el cuestionado acuerdo comercial.
Diario UNO | 12-Feb-2016
Fondos de inversión como Gramercy Funds Management, presionan al Perú para cobrar bonos agrarios en soles de los años 60, por más de mil millones de dólares.
El Dínamo | 12-Feb-2016
Chile lo firmó en Nueva Zelanda la semana pasada. Con ello la polémica se abre y amenaza ser una bola de fuego. Para unos es la ignominia, para otros, la salvación, como lo ha dicho la Cancillería chilena.