Gran Bretaña
Trade Action Blog | 30-oct-2019
200 years ago, democracy activists died in Manchester, while peacefully campaigning for the vote. On the bicentennial of the massacre, activists protested against the threat to democracy from the corporate court system.
Ciar Global | 29-oct-2019
Terence Highlands reclama la expropiación ilegal de las inversiones de la empresa Coastline, de la que es dueño, y exige alrededor de 80 millones de dólares.
Outlook India | 10-sep-2019
UK’s Cairn Energy on Tuesday said the arbitration process against India on imposition of retrospective tax demand is likely to be protracted and a decision is not expected before late 2019.
War on Want | 5-ago-2019
UK registered mining company Lydian is using corporate courts to bully the Armenian government into cracking down on public protests that have successfully resisted a gold mine.
The Independent | 5-ago-2019
The Armenian government is currently being sued by a corporation for two thirds of its entire government budget. If the UK crashes out on 31 October, it could suffer a similar fate.
Morning Star | 1ro-ago-2019
Parliament’s trade committee says it is alarmed by government’s failure ‘to set out even basic lines of policy’ on how international arbitration will work after Brexit.
New Internationalist | 10-jul-2019
ISDSs, legal mechanisms designed to favour corporate interests will be integral to any post-Brexit US-UK trade deal.
Nepali Times | 7-may-2019
Axiata UK may be required to exhaust local remedies before resorting to arbitration under the UK-Nepal investment treaty
Mobile World Live | 29-abr-2019
Axiata Group’s UK subsidiary and Nepal mobile unit filed a request for arbitration with the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, regarding a capital gains tax bill levied by Nepali authorities.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 24-abr-2019
After Brexit, the UK will be theoretically a suitable jurisdiction to enforce intra-EU awards.