RT | 26-Sep-2015
Campaigners gathered outside a secret court in central London on Friday to protest against a controversial EU-Canada trade deal that will empower corporations to sue the British government.
Norges Sosiale Forum NSF | 18-Sep-2015
The greatest challenges of our time is to end the unjust distribution in the world and to fight climate change.
GetUp! | 18-Sep-2015
Under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), multinational corporations will be able to sue the Australian Government in secret corporate courts over laws that protect our health, environment and workers’ rights. | 19-Aug-2015
L’ISDS permet aux entreprises de traîner les gouvernements devant des tribunaux secrets privés. La facture incombera au contribuable européen.
RT | 13-Jul-2015
El municipio español de Rivas Vaciamadrid forma parte de una treintena de localidades del país que han impulsado la iniciativa de municipios contra el Tratado de Asociación Transatlántica para el Comercio y la Inversión que se está negociando actualmente.
ConsoGlobe | 18-Jun-2015
Suite à la décision du président du Parlement Européen le 10 juin de reporter le vote consultatif des eurodéputés sur le sujet, il faut se rendre à l’évidence : c’est la mobilisation citoyenne qui fait actuellement avancer le dossier.
RT | 4-May-2015
A group of radical performance activists who hail from New York staged an “exorcism” of corporate power outside an international law firm in London to raise awareness about the dangers of an EU-US trade deal being brokered behind closed doors.
City Limits | 29-Apr-2015
"We cannot tell President Obama what to do. [But] our hard fought victories for protecting the lives of all New Yorkers will be at risk if he signs the TPP."
Amazon Watch | 9-Apr-2015
An apparent Chevron whistleblower has sent Amazon Watch dozens of internal company videos showing Chevron employees and consultants manipulating evidence linked to the oil giant’s extensive contamination - and legal dispute - in Ecuador.
ViEUws | 26-Feb-2015
David Martin MEP (S&D, UK), the European Parliament’s rapporteur on the EU-Singapore trade deal, criticises the infamous ISDS (investor-to-state dispute settlement) part of the agreement.