Lexology | 8-Aug-2023
On 27 July 2023, the German Federal Court of Justice (German FCJ) declared three intra-EU investor-State ICSID arbitrations inadmissible under German arbitration law given their incompatibility with EU law.
SOMO | 28-Jul-2023
Dutch taxpayers have already incurred € 5.4 million in arbitration costs in RWE and Uniper cases.
Energy Central News | 28-Jul-2023
Energy companies cannot force European governments into arbitration over compensation demands for investments hit by changing state climate goals, Germany’s highest civil court ruled.
The Hindu BusinessLine | 13-Jul-2023
New Delhi insists on ’exhaustion of local remedies’ clause but Brussels wants investor court system.
Novethic | 11-Jul-2023
La Commission européenne a proposé de sortir de cet accord, considéré comme une épée de Damoclès pour la transition énergétique du continent. Alors que dix pays ont annoncé qu’ils se retiraient du Traité, l’étau se resserre.
CAN Europe | 11-Jul-2023
We call on you to support the Commission’s proposal for a coordinated withdrawal of the EU and all its member states from the Energy Charter Treaty and welcome a discussion of the ECT among energy ministers.
No a los TCI | 10-Jul-2023
Queremos pedirles que apoyen la propuesta de la Comisión Europea para iniciar una salida coordinada de la Unión Europea (UE) y de todos sus Estados miembro del Tratado de la Carta de la Energía (TCE), y que acojan un debate sobre el TCE entre los Ministros de Energía en el seno de dicho encuentro.
Euractiv | 10-Jul-2023
The European Commission proposed that EU countries jointly quit an international treaty that has been criticised for blocking efforts to fight climate change because its protection of energy investments extends to fossil fuels.
Reuters | 30-Jun-2023
The European Commission is readying a proposal for EU countries to jointly quit an international energy treaty, after some governments already pledged to leave over climate concerns.
Chile Mejor sin TLC | 8-Jun-2023
Traducción extraoficial automática, revisada por Chile Mejor sin TLC con fines de transparencia ciudadana dado que el gobierno chileno no ha publicado el texto en español. Los subrayados son nuestros