Fox | 23-Nov-2015
President Rafael Correa said that Ecuador had "practically" reached agreement on the payment of compensation to U.S. oil company Occidental Petroleum.
Todd N. Tucker | 4-Nov-2015
Ecuador has been partially relieved of its debt to Occidental, which constitutes a pretty legalistic and conservative application of property rights by a state appointee dissenter.
Lexology | 4-Nov-2015
The number of claims filed by renewable energy investors under the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) has risen significantly.
Connaissance des énergies | 3-Nov-2015
Le tribunal d’arbitrage de la Banque Mondiale, le Cirdi, a ordonné à l’Equateur de payer 1 milliard de dollars à la compagnie pétrolière américaine Oxy, pour rupture anticipée d’un contrat d’exploitation
Reuters | 3-Nov-2015
A World Bank tribunal reduced to about $1 billion the amount Ecuador must pay Occidental Petroleum Corp in compensation for seizing the U.S.-based company’s assets
Reuters | 2-Nov-2015
Ecuador is in talks with Occidental Petroleum Corp to seek an agreement over a roughly $1.77 billion award the Andean country was ordered to pay for seizing the U.S.-based company’s assets in 2006
Rabble | 22-Oct-2015
Billionaire T. Boone Pickens is suing Canada through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for $700 million in future lost profit.
Financial Post | 16-Oct-2015
Pickens is using his rights under the North American Free Trade Agreement to bring claims against the Canadian province of Ontario.
The Global Legal Post | 6-Oct-2015
The bankruptcy of oil and gas giant Yukos led to multiple proceedings against the Russian state and some enormous awards.
Tele Sur | 25-Sep-2015
Canadians must now counter Chevron’s inevitable propaganda campaign as the legal battle continues.