
Chile is one of the Latin American countries most actively pursuing bilateral trade agreements

Chile has signed more or less comprehensive free trade agreements with the US, Canada, the European Union, EFTA, South Korea, Japan, Central America and Mexico. In June 2005, it finalized a four-way deal with Pacific neighbours Brunei, New Zealand, and Singapore (P-4). In June 2006, it signed an FTA with Panama. In February 2010, it signed one with Guatemala.

Chile is the first Latin American country to have sealed an FTA on goods with China (2005) and since early 2007 has been working with Beijing on an expansion of the deal to cover services and investment. Further agreements in this regard were reached during President Bachelet’s visit to China in April 2008. The services deal came into force in August 2010.

Chile also has bilateral “economic complementation agreements“ with Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia and Mercosur, as well as a partial agreement with Cuba.

In 2008, Chile signed FTAs with Australia, Honduras, and Colombia while expanding its agreements with Peru and Cuba.

In March 2011, Chile’s FTA with Turkey came into force, and in April 2012, an FTA with Malaysia came into force. Negotiations with Thailand, Vietnam, India and Hong Kong are still ongoing.

last update: May 2012

Photo: Jose Pereira

Vrijschrift | 1-Apr-2024
The European Parliament gave consent to the EU - Chile trade agreement. The agreement’s digital chapter contains a new, broad cross-border data flow commitment, while Chile does not have a data protection adequacy status.
Chile Mejor Sin TLC | 26-Mar-2024
Este libro busca romper el secretismo que ha rodeado el contenido de este tratado, caracterizado como neocolonial.
Le Moci | 20-Mar-2024
Le Conseil de l’Union européenne a donné son feu vert, le 18 mars, pour conclure l’accord intérimaire sur le commerce entre l’UE et le Chili.
La Tercera | 19-Mar-2024
A 20 años de la vigencia del tratado de libre comercio, se espera que en los próximos meses se selle un acuerdo para modernizar el pacto.
EEAS | 19-Mar-2024
The Council today adopted the decision on the conclusion of the Interim Agreement on trade between the European Union and Chile. This decision marks the end of the internal ratification process within the EU and paves the way for the entry into force of the deal.
Werken Rojo | 15-Mar-2024
En audiencia solicitada por Chile Mejor sin TLC, el Director de Relaciones Bilaterales de la SubSecretaría de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Sebastián Gómez, rompió el silencio oficial informando en la tarde del 13 de marzo, que el Presidente Boric enviará en abril al congreso, el mensaje relativo al Tratado de Libre Comercio Chile-Unión Europea.