Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity | 27-feb-2019
En Febrero de 2011 la Justicia ecuatoriana emitió un histórico fallo sentenciando a la Corporación petrolera Chevron a pagar 9,500 millones de dólares por contaminar la Amazonía Ecuatoriana. Sin embargo, Chevron recurrió al sistema de arbitraje de diferencias Inversor-Estado y demandó al Ecuador.
KolectiVOZ Digital | 7-dic-2018
Entrevista con Pablo Fajardo, abogado ambientalista de los demandantes a Chevron Texaco en Ecuador, quién nos cuenta sus actuales preocupaciones sobre el caso.
TeleSur | 28-sep-2018
Pablo Fajardo, the lead lawyer for the communities who have been fighting for 25 years for compensation for the severe pollution in the amazon region, and Donald Moncayo, one of the coordinators of the organization that has led this campaign talk about the Chevron case.
TeleSur | 12-sep-2018
Victims of Chevron-Texaco’s pollution of the Ecuadorean Amazon have vowed to fight to protect the ruling which has granted them compensation.
RT | 11-sep-2018
El tribunal determinó que Quito violó el Tratado Bilateral de Inversión y no brindó un trato justo y equitativo a la petrolera.
CEO | 13-jun-2018
New report exposes how the little-known Energy Charter Treaty gives corporations the power to halt the energy transition. And how it is being expanded, threatening to bind yet more countries to corporate-friendly energy policies.
CEO | 13-mar-2018
Renaud Beauchard, law professor, explains the arbitration tribunals of CETA and TTIP which enable multinationals to sue States.
Le Média | 21-feb-2018
Le fonctionnement des tribunaux d’arbitrage, à travers l’exemple de Dubrovnik, ville croate sur laquelle une entreprise néerlandaise souhaitait construire un Golf.
Milieu Defensie | 12-ene-2018
The French oil company Total evicts people from their land in Uganda to make room for an oil processing facility.
RQIC | 11-ene-2018
Deux vidéos pour mieux démontrer et expliquer que l’ALÉNA constitue un obstacle a la poursuite des objectifs de protection de l’environnement et de lutte aux changements climatiques.