Países Bajos
Web Manager Center | 30-jun-2017
La partie tunisienne ne veut pas d’un règlement amiable avec l’actionnaire majoritaire ABCI, même dans une phase ultérieure.
Manila Standard | 27-jun-2017
The ICSID designated the team that will hear Shell Philippines Exploration B.V.’s arbitration case against the Philippine government on Malampaya gas project’s corporate income tax issue.
CIAR Global | 29-may-2017
Jochem Bernard Buse, fundador holandés de la empresa panameña de inversión Panamá Wall Street SA, ha presentado una demanda de arbitraje en el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones, Ciadi, contra Panamá invocando el Tratado Bilateral de Inversiones Panamá-Holanda.
Lexology | 9-may-2017
An International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Committee has annulled nearly 90% of the US$1.6 billion Award which had been won by ExxonMobil affiliates in their ICSID arbitration against Venezuela.
Web Manager Center | 24-ene-2017
Enterrée il y a quatre ans à l’initiative de la partie tunisienne, la recherche d’une solution amiable au litige va-t-elle être remise sur le tapis?
Hindustan Times | 24-nov-2016
India will not renew an investment treaty with the Netherlands that will expire on November 30 as part of its plan to rework all similar pacts it signed with other countries.
The Hindu | 14-nov-2016
India had sought removal of Sir Franklin Berman as the presiding arbitrator of three-member panel.
Globe News Wire | 7-nov-2016
The hearings of the international arbitration proceedings between AS Tallinna Vesi and the Republic of Estonia will be held from November 7th – 11th November 2016 and on November 14th – 15th, 2016 in Paris, France.
Le360 | 3-oct-2016
Dans l’affaire de la Banque franco-tunisienne, nationalisée en 1989, l’ex-propriétaire, ABCI, réclame la restitution de sa banque devant le CIRDI.
Oneworld | 27-sep-2016
The so-called “ISDS” has been existing for years already. A revealing look in the hidden world of investor-state dispute settlement.