Media Congo | 9-Aug-2021
New evidence from a UN report and a high-profile investor arbitration case is casting a spotlight on Rwanda’s role in sophisticated smuggling networks that extract gold and coltan from Congolese conflict zones and funnel the strategically important minerals illicitly into global supply chains.
Public Citizen | 7-Aug-2021
TC Energy expects to get 15 times more money, coming from taxpayers’ pockets, than the asset losses it experienced from the revocation of a permit, that was already denied twice.
The Globe and Mail | 6-Aug-2021
New evidence from a UN report and a high-profile investor arbitration case is casting a spotlight on Rwanda’s role in sophisticated smuggling networks that extract gold and coltan from Congolese conflict zones and funnel the strategically important minerals illicitly into global supply chains.
Common Dreams | 6-Jul-2021
TC Energy Corporation filed for compensation under a free trade provision that allows investors to sue governments if they impede profits.
L’actualité | 5-Jul-2021
TC Énergie a déclaré qu’elle réclamerait plus de 15 milliards $ US au gouvernement américain à la suite de la révocation d’un permis pour la construction de l’oléoduc Keystone XL.
AFTINET | 5-Jul-2021
TC Energy has lodged a US$15 billion Investor-State Dispute Settlement claim against the US government.
People’s World | 29-Jun-2021
To seriously address the roots and causes of migration, it is urgent to dismantle the neoliberal rules which grant excessive privileges to transnational corporations.
El Mostrador | 17-Jun-2021
Este reclamo se suma a otro que el país recibió un mes atrás del grupo Ohio de Estados Unidos, ante lo cual el Ministerio de Relaciones activó el procedimiento de resolución de controversias establecido en el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre ambos países.
CIAR Global | 14-Jun-2021
La compañía Kaloti Metals & Logistics ha presentado un arbitraje de inversiones contra Perú en el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI). Tras la demanda una investigación por comercio ilegal y blanqueo de capitales.
El Desconcierto | 20-May-2021
La aseguradora Ohio National pidió al gobierno de Chile dar inicio a “un procedimiento de consultas amistosas y negociaciones para intentar resolver las grandes consecuencias”, presuntamente ocasionadas por la ley recientemente promulgada que permite el retiro de rentas vitalicias.