| 5-Jun-2015
There has never been any doubt that the United States, and especially the US Congress, wields ultimate power over the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Congressional Research Service | 28-May-2015
This report for US Congress answers frequently asked questions about US international investment agreements including provisions for investor-state dispute settlement.
Korea Herald | 25-May-2015
While the South Korean government is facing its second international arbitration under the investor-state dispute settlement system, civic groups are demanding that the details should be made public as they could cost several billion dollars of taxpayers’ money.
| 15-May-2015
An international tribunal began hearing a multi-billion dollar case Friday that the US private equity firm Lone Star filed against South Korea’s government over tax and other disputes surrounding its asset sell-offs in Korea.
Yonhap | 14-May-2015
An international tribunal will begin hearing a multi-billion dollar case this week that the US private equity firm Lone Star filed against South Korea’s government over tax and other disputes surrounding its asset sell-offs in Korea.
AFJ | 13-May-2015
A group of legal and economic luminaries have signed a letter to Congressional leaders urging them to oppose Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions in proposed trade deals.
Korea Times | 6-May-2015
V.V. Veeder, a British national, has been appointed as the presiding arbitrator for a $4.7 billion international litigation between the Korean government and Dallas-based Lone Star Funds, sources said Tuesday.
Korea Herald | 4-May-2015
A former top financial official who advocated for Korea Exchange Bank’s breakaway from Lone Star has taken up a position in a law firm that represents the US buyout firm at a time when the firm is suing the Korean government for $4.6 billion in an investor-state dispute.
City Limits | 29-Apr-2015
"We cannot tell President Obama what to do. [But] our hard fought victories for protecting the lives of all New Yorkers will be at risk if he signs the TPP."
Washington Post | 28-Apr-2015
Obama leans hard into the idea that TPP’s ISDS will be drawn explicitly to prevent corporate gaming of the litigation process