Estados Unidos
Yonhap | 1ro-sep-2023
The South Korean government filed an appeal seeking to cancel an international tribunal’s order to pay compensation to American private equity firm Lone Star Funds with the firm’s sell-off of the now-defunct Korea Exchange Bank.
Razón Pública | 31-ago-2023
El presidente prometió y anunció la renegociación de un TLC que no ha beneficiado a Colombia sino a Estados Unidos. Pero la ilusión duró poco y seguimos asfixiados por demandas y malos resultados comerciales.
JWN | 14-ago-2023
The World Bank arbitration court awarded $77 million to Exxon Mobil Corp. in a resubmitted claim worth $1.4 billion over the nationalization of Venezuela’s Cerro Negro and La Ceiba crude projects in 2007.
Zone Bourse | 28-jul-2023
Le Mexique envisage d’offrir 390 millions de dollars à l’entreprise de construction américaine Vulcan Materials pour un terrain qu’elle détient dans le sud-est du pays, a déclaré le président Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.
Reuters | 28-jul-2023
Mexico plans to offer $390 million to US construction company Vulcan Materials for land it holds in the southeast of the country, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said.
Reuters | 24-jul-2023
Mexico has been hit with three sets of trade arbitration proceedings in the past few days, according to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
Common Dreams | 21-jul-2023
One of the most controversial aspects of the hyperglobalization era, investor-state dispute settlement elevates multinational corporations and foreign investors to equal status with national governments.
Bretton Woods Project | 20-jul-2023
Honduras is threatening to withdraw from the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes over an $11 billion claim by Honduras Prospera, a US company.
Notre temps | 19-jul-2023
La Corée du Sud a intenté une action en justice contre une injonction de dédommager le fonds spéculatif Elliott à plus de 50 millions de dollars sur la fusion controversée de deux filiales de Samsung en 2015.
The Korea Times | 18-jul-2023
Korea has filed a suit asking a court in Britain to cancel an order by an international tribunal to pay nearly $108 million (136 billion won) to U.S.-based hedge fund Elliott Investment Management.