Balkan Insight | 28-Jul-2021
The derailment of the plans led Canadian mining company Gabriel Resources to sue the Romanian government for $5.7 billion before the Washington-based ICSID.
GEO | 28-Jul-2021
Une compagnie canadienne, Gabriel Resources, avait demandé en 2015 un arbitrage international et réclamé 4,4 milliards de dollars de dédommagements à la Roumanie.
Market Screener | 27-Jul-2021
Indiana Resources files a memorial on the arbitration with Tanzania over the expropriation of the Ntaka Hill Nickel Project, whereby it claims the amount of AU$127 million, including interest which continues to accrue.
Ouest France | 23-Jul-2021
Dénonçant une "expropriation", Gabriel Resources a saisi en 2015 la juridiction d’arbitrage international de la Banque mondiale (Cirdi) et réclamé 4,4 milliards de dollars de dédommagements à la Roumanie.
France 24 | 23-Jul-2021
Meanwhile, Gabriel Resources has taken Romania before the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, seeking $4.4 billion (3.7 billion euros) in damages.
Derecho Internacional | 16-Jul-2021
El pasado 4 de junio del 2021, fue dado a conocer el laudo arbitral de un tribunal del CIADI, el cual pone un punto final a la demanda interpuesta en febrero del 2014 por la empresa minera canadiense Infinito Gold contra Costa Rica.
Mining Weekly | 29-Jun-2021
Prairie Mining has filed a £806-million statement of claim for compensation against the Republic of Poland as part of its ongoing international arbitration claims.
Reuters | 29-Jun-2021
An international arbitration panel ruled Costa Rica does not owe Canadian miner Infinito Gold compensation after the cancellation of a mining project a decade ago.
Semanario Universidad | 7-Jun-2021
Tribunal exime a Costa Rica de pagar $400 millones pues inversionista no demostró daño económico que reclamaba.
CIAR Global | 4-Jun-2021
La minera británica Anglo American plc. ha presentado una demanda de arbitraje de inversiones contra Colombia ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI).