Korea Herald | 26-ago-2022
The Korean public has been in outrage over the matter for more than a decade, claiming that the case was an international “fraud” committed by an overseas private equity firm.
Yonhap | 29-jun-2022
An international tribunal declared an end to all proceedings in a multi-billion dollar suit the US private equity firm Lone Star filed against South Korea’s government 10 years ago.
KBS | 29-jun-2022
Le verdict du procès international opposant le fonds de pension Lone Star au gouvernement sud-coréen va enfin tomber d’ici trois mois au plus tard.
Yonhap | 13-ene-2022
En junio de 2018, el CIADI ordenó al Gobierno de Seúl que pagara a la familia Dayyani unos 63 millones de dólares, pero el pago no se ha realizado debido a las sanciones de EE. UU. sobre Irán.
Yonhap | 13-ene-2022
En juin 2018, le CIRDI a ordonné au gouvernement de Séoul de payer à la famille Dayyani environ 63 millions de dollars, mais le paiement n’a pas été effectué en raison des sanctions américaines imposées contre l’Iran.
Yonhap | 12-ene-2022
In June 2018, the ICSID ordered Korea to pay the Dayyani family about US$63 million, but the payment has not been made due to US sanctions on Iran.
Pulse | 6-abr-2021
According to sources related to the Lone Star ISD, the tribunal is expected to give a final ruling on Lone Star versus the Korean government case that has dragged on for nine years within the first half.
Korea Herald | 12-feb-2021
SK Innovation is considering initiating international arbitration proceedings against the Peruvian government for blocking the company’s exit from Camisea Gas Project in Peru.
CIAR Global | 9-feb-2021
El proyecto Camisea vuelve ser el centro y foco de un posible arbitraje.
Pulse | 1ro-dic-2020
The South Korean government has opted for an international arbitration over its longstanding dispute with Lone Star Funds after it turned down the US fund’s final $870-million out-of-court settlement proposal.