OMAL | 5-mai-2016
En el día de hoy, el gobierno de Ecuador se había comprometido a pagar $180 millones de dólares a la multinacional petrolera Occidental.
Tele Sur | 30-avr-2016
The Ecuadorean government is being forced to use money that could go toward relief efforts to instead pay off a multinational oil company.
The Guardian | 27-avr-2016
US oil company wanted EU-US trade deal to give foreign investors the legal right to challenge government decision, documents show
Basta ! | 14-mar-2016
Nul besoin d’envoyer canonnières ou porte-avions pour intimider un Etat qui menacerait les intérêts des puissantes compagnies occidentales. Il existe un discret mécanisme pour régler les litiges entre États et investisseurs : l’ « ISDS ».
Alternautas | 13-mar-2016
The Oxy II awards subvert the notion of sovereignty : by whom and how a country’s natural resources are used becomes a minor question as long as wealth is maximised.
Todd N. Tucker | 7-mar-2016
A research provides a set of pragmatic tools for governments on the receiving end of legal claims.
Tele Sur | 26-jan-2016
The ruling from the District Court of the Hague in favor of U.S. oil giant Chevron effectively exonerated the company from any responsibility for remediating the contamination in the Amazon.
El Universo | 13-jan-2016
Ecuador alcanzó un acuerdo de pago con la empresa petrolera estadounidense Occidental (Oxy), anunció ayer (9-1) el presidente Rafael Correa, en el enlace sabatino 458, transmitido desde Malchinguí, Pichincha.
El Universo | 13-jan-2016
President Rafael Correa announced that Ecuador has reached a payment plan with the US oil company, Occidental (Oxy)
Seeking Alpha | 12-jan-2016
Ecuador paid $100M on Dec. 21 ; will pay another $100M on Jan. 15 ; $100M on Jan. 31 ; $200M on Feb. 29 ; $300M on March 31 ; and the remainder on April 29.