The Guardian | 4-nov-2021
Treaty allows energy corporations to sue governments for billions over policies that could hurt their profits. | 2-nov-2021
Allowing oil, mining, and gas companies to continue to file expensive lawsuits over environmental regulations could undermine whatever agreements might be reached in the COP26 in Glasgow.
Bloomberg | 29-oct-2021
Coal plant owners are using this little-known mechanism to try and recoup billions from governments who are forcing them to shut down polluting plants
Global Justice Now | 28-oct-2021
Courts allow big polluters to sue governments into “a state of climate paralysis”, campaigners say.
Attac | 28-oct-2021
Une nouvelle publication révèle que cinq entreprises de l’énergie poursuivent des États pour leur politique climatique en leur réclamant 18 milliards de dollars de compensation.
The Nelson Daily | 28-oct-2021
Rules accepted under various trade and investment agreements often benefit destructive, extractive industries to the detriment of national and international climate goals and ambitions.
Collectif Stop Tafta | 11-oct-2021
Jusqu’à quand la France, et l’UE, vont-elles accepter de rester membre d’un Traité qui sape les politiques de transition énergétiques ?
CNCD 11.11.11 | 6-sep-2021
La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a déclaré que les affaires de règlement des différends entre investisseurs et États sur la base du Traité sur la Charte de l’énergie ne sont « pas applicables » au sein de l’UE.
Client Earth | 2-sep-2021
Environmental organisations have hailed a court decision that could mean the end of a little-known legal mechanism that poses a massive threat to climate action.
Reuters | 24-ago-2021
A US government watchdog found multiple problems with the construction, manufacture and design of the Keystone pipeline.