Capital Monitor | 30-Jul-2021
The Energy Charter Treaty, which gives oil and gas companies a route to suing governments, is increasingly hindering climate policy reform, say campaigners. And it is not the only agreement of its type.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 12-Jul-2021
The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs initiated “anti-arbitration” proceedings before the German courts to “avert” two ECT-based ICSID arbitrations brought against it by the German energy companies RWE and Uniper.
L’Humanité | 9-Jul-2021
Alors qu’a lieu un nouveau round de négociation pour « moderniser » le Traité sur la charte de l’énergie, 400 organisations de la société civile lancent un ultimatum pour sortir au plus vite de cet accord.
El Salto | 7-Jul-2021
Esta semana se celebra la sexta ronda de negociaciones para modernizar el Tratado de la Carta de Energía (TCE) que, según desvelan unas filtraciones de documentos oficiales de la Comisión Europea, no aspira a dar resultados reales para alinear el Tratado con los objetivos del Acuerdo de París.
Euractiv | 7-Jul-2021
Little progress has been made to modernise a controversial agreement on energy investments that activists warn could derail decarbonisation efforts in Europe and across the globe, according to leaked documents.
Common Dreams | 6-Jul-2021
TC Energy Corporation filed for compensation under a free trade provision that allows investors to sue governments if they impede profits.
Collectif Stop Tafta | 6-Jul-2021
400 organisations de la société civile lancent un ultimatum à la Commission européenne et aux États-membres les appelant à « sortir du TCE d’ici à la COP26.
S2B Network | 6-Jul-2021
More than 400 are calling on political leaders across all European countries to prioritise climate policies, to stick to their climate commitments, and therefore to initiate withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty by COP26.
L’actualité | 5-Jul-2021
TC Énergie a déclaré qu’elle réclamerait plus de 15 milliards $ US au gouvernement américain à la suite de la révocation d’un permis pour la construction de l’oléoduc Keystone XL.
AFTINET | 5-Jul-2021
TC Energy has lodged a US$15 billion Investor-State Dispute Settlement claim against the US government.