Saskia Bricmont | 25-jan-2023
This report analyzes the proposed interpretive guidance on the Investment Chapter of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union.
Saskia Bricmont | 25-jan-2023
La déclaration en voulant clarifier les choses crée de nouvelles zones de flou et, en définitive, tout dépend de la conception que les arbitres devant régler un différend précis se font du lien entre la transition et la protection des investissements.
Euractiv | 25-jan-2023
Since October 2022, seven EU member states have announced plans to withdraw from the European Charter Treaty. Across the board, the message is clear : the insufficient and potentially climate-damaging treaty reform effort is no longer a politically viable option.
EJIL : Talk ! | 23-jan-2023
The way in which the reasoning of the Rockhopper award expels any environmental considerations has the effect of making climate change interventions considerably more costly
Open Democracy | 23-jan-2023
The treaty allows fossil fuel companies to sue governments for taking climate change action. It must go.
Public Citizen | 20-jan-2023
The State Department requested the $15 billion case be thrown out on jurisdictional grounds, as President Joe Biden revoked the permit for the pipeline on his first day in office, long after the US-Mexico Canada Agreement was in effect.
Grist | 18-jan-2023
Investor-state dispute settlements increasingly allow oil and gas investors to sue countries over their climate policies.
Power Shift | 16-jan-2023
This briefing highlights the role the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) has played in the German coal phase-out. It reveals that the ECT has influenced the coal phase-out in two important ways.
See | 3-jan-2023
France confirmed the decision announced by Macron in October and notified the other signatories of the withdrawal, which will take effect on January 1, 2024.