Euractiv | 14-nov-2022
The German government has announced its intention to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty, following similar decisions in other large EU countries, which left activists jubilant.
Reuters | 14-nov-2022
The report suggests that progress on IIA reform is critical to enable countries to address the challenges of climate change.
La Tribune | 14-nov-2022
Cette convention permet aux géants de l’énergie de se retourner contre les États signataires qui mèneraient des politiques climatiques défavorables à leurs investissements. Dans le même temps, l’Allemagne va ratifier l’accord CETA.
CLT | 7-nov-2022
Andreas Malm and the Zetkin Collective concluded their book White Skin, Black Fuel by approximating decarbonisation to slavery abolition: as long as fossil fuel capital exists it will ‘resist its own abolition’, just as slaveholding capital did in the past.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 7-nov-2022
This article focuses on the implications of the revised text for dispute resolution under the ECT. We address the environmental focus of the anticipated reforms and conciliation of State-to-State disputes relating to sustainable development and climate change.
Energy Monitor | 4-nov-2022
EU countries are voting with their feet, quitting the investor protection pact despite the EU’s efforts to reform it – but the European Commission warns it will be worse to be outside than in.
CCSI | 3-nov-2022
Un régime d’investissement international entièrement inédit, conçu dans l’optique du climat et d’autres objectifs mondiaux, pourrait servir d’outil pour accélérer les investissements nécessaires à la résolution de la crise climatique.
CCSI | 3-nov-2022
A wholly new international investment regime designed with climate and other global goals in mind could be used as a tool to accelerate the investments needed to address the climate crisis.
Le Monde | 28-oct-2022
L’annonce du retrait prochain de la France du traité sur la charte de l’énergie doit être saluée et va dans le sens d’une meilleure efficacité des politiques climatiques.
African Climate News | 26-oct-2022
African countries are increasingly becoming signatories to the ECT potentially tying the hands of government to freely design their climate policies.