actions | résistance
TTIP Free Zones Europe | 9-jui-2016
Aristoteli joined a growing movement of local authorities opposed to CETA and TTIP to deny the building of a polluter’s paradise
ATTAC Argentina | 7-jui-2016
Attac Argentine affirme son opposition à l’annonce faite récemment de l’intention de l’Argentine de payer les sommes réclamées par les entreprises multinationales auprès du CIRDI
TNI | 24-mai-2016
The Philippines has a web of investment treaties which severely constrain the government’s ability to regulate or close polluting mines, a legal straitjacket that will become even tighter if the EU–Philippines Free Trade Agreement and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) proceed
Local Futures | 20-mai-2016
The Global to Local Webinar Series addresses key issues in the global to local debate.
S2B | 19-mai-2016
A new leak reveals that 5 EU member states are proposing to introduce investor-to-state dispute settlement for all cross-border investments within the EU.
Amigos de la Tierra | 20-avr-2016
La nueva propuesta europea perpetuará los ataques de los inversores a la salud y el medio ambiente.
Friends of the Earth | 20-avr-2016
New EU proposal will perpetuate investors’ attacks on health and environment.
Les Amis de la Terre | 20-avr-2016
La nouvelle proposition européenne permettra de nouvelles attaques contre la santé et l’environnement.
CES | 20-avr-2016
Le Comité exécutif et le Congrès de la CES ont clairement refusé l’inclusion dans le PTCI (et l’AECG) de mécanismes étendant aux investisseurs étrangers l’accès à un arbitrage.
CIEL | 16-mar-2016
The Canadian company’s Angostura mining project in the high-altitude wetlands, or páramo, of Santurbán, has announced that it could file an international arbitration suit against Colombia over measures to protect the páramo, which are important sources of water in the country.