Asie & Pacifique

Négociations d’ententes bilatérales impliquant des gouvernements d’Asie et du Pacifique.

Local Futures | 13-mar-2024
Together with GRAIN, Local Futures organized the aforementioned workshop ‘Resisting Free Trade Agreements in South Asia’, which brought together activists from South Asian countries to confront the massive proliferation of free trade agreements
RMOL | 13-mar-2024
Egyptian, Malaysian, and Indonesian trade officials met to discuss efforts to explore an ASEAN-EEgypt free trade agreement, as Egypt has long been a business partner for ASEAN countries.
RMOL | 13-mar-2024
Pejabat perdagangan Mesir, Malaysia dan Indonesia bertemu untuk membahas upaya menjajaki perjanjian perdagangan bebas ASEAN - Mesir karena Mesir telah lama menjadi mitra bisnis bagi negara-negara ASEAN.
Antara | 8-mar-2024
APEC member economies are considering innovative and improved approaches to revitalize the Free-Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) as a major instrument to further APEC’s regional economic integration agenda.
Japan Today | 26-fév-2024
The IPEF supply chain agreement has recently come into effect, aiming to enhance economic collaboration among member countries. The agreement focuses on strengthening supply chain resilience, identifying key sectors, and establishing an emergency communications channel to address disruptions. | 1er-fév-2024
The US Commerce Department said Wednesday that an Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity agreement on supply chains will come into effect Feb. 24.