Nigerian Tribune | 7-jun-2021
The Nigerian Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, has called for the establishment and strengthening of more arbitration institutions in Africa in line with international standards.
Energy Charter | 3-jun-2021
Nigeria has completed all three of its accession reports but the Energy Charter Conference placed restrictions on ECT accession finalization procedures, placing Nigeria’s accession path into a state of pause.
Oil Price | 17-mar-2021
Nigeria has unleashed one of the most spectacular legal attacks on one of its key oil and gas investors, to an extent previously unseen in the country’s more than 60 years of hydrocarbon production.
The Star | 17-feb-2021
ROYAL Dutch Shell Plc launched arbitration proceedings against the Nigerian government over a long-running community dispute.
Ecofin | 16-feb-2021
Shell, empêtré dans de nombreuses affaires de pollution dans le delta du Niger, a été condamné à verser des dommages-intérêts, mais semble vouloir régler le contentieux à l’amiable, d’où la sollicitation d’un arbitrage.
Premium Times | 23-nov-2020
The groups said they are concerned about the ICSID’s long-standing failure to promulgate clear rules for addressing cases where corruption has been alleged.
Finance Uncovered | 27-oct-2020
Eni’s threat to drag Nigeria to an international arbitration hearing appears to be a negotiation tactic to reduce the final bill.
The Cable | 19-oct-2020
The Human and Environmental Development Agenda, Re:Common, Global Witness, and Corner House, have called on the Nigerian government to stand against Eni’s legal move over the oil processing license (OPL) 245.
Ecofin | 15-oct-2020
Suite au refus du Nigeria d’attribuer à nouveau le bloc OPL 245 à Eni, la firme italienne s’est tournée vers le CIRDI afin qu’il mène une procédure d’arbitrage.
Reuters | 14-oct-2020
Eni plans to argue that the country’s failure to allow it to exploit an oilfield it acquired with Royal Dutch Shell nearly a decade ago breaches their investment agreement.